Annual payment with 2 months FREE

We offer different ways to obtain Rapidgest in your company, choose the model that best suits you and let’s start to get performance out of your day-to-day management.

Ofrecemos diferentes modos de poder obtener raidgest en tu empresa, elije el modelo que más te convenga y empecemos a sacar rendimiento a la gestión de tu día a día.

Monthly option


69€ month

During the first 3 months

What includes?


4 Technicians


1 administrator


Billing and Expenses


Parts and work orders


Work planning for technicians


Project control


Hosting and maintenance service


Free upgrades and upgrades

Now you can organize the management of your business with the basic plan.

Opción anual


995€ Anual 

Now with 2 months free

What includes?


4 Technicians


1 Administrator


Billing and Expenses


Parts and work orders


Work planning for technicians


Project control


Hosting and maintenance service


Free upgrades and upgrades

Designed for companies that want to bet on the organization of their company and have long-term stability.

Custom adaptation


Do you need something custom? More technicians? or Pass data?

We can adapt the software to your needs, from expanding technicians or administrators, to functionalities adapted to your specific needs, we can also transfer data from your current software or management system to your new Rapidgest software.

The best applied technologies

Main Features

Can I use rapidgest anywhere?

Yes, thanks to the fact that it is built in the cloud, our software is accessible from anywhere, so wherever you are and have an internet connection you will have your software available to manage your company.

Is there a usage limit?

Rapidgest can be used without limits, do as many procedures as you want, but we do set a limit per use, limiting the basic version to 4 technicians and 1 administrator at the same time, but it can be extended at any time if requested, to be able to adjust the capabilities of the service to your needs.

Does it require installation?

No, being a cloud-based software, you can say goodbye to installations on local servers in the office or servers with Windows Server and its expensive maintenance and license costs, with Rapidgest it will be to sign up and start working.

More than 80 professional companies

Every day our community grows more and more and there are many professionals who, like you, decide to have control and management of their company in a single software, easy, fast and simple for both technicians and administrators.

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